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Safety in Rugby Clubs

Clubs have a duty of care toward the individuals that use their facilities. During a rugby match / training, as with many sporting activities, even spectators can be injured suddenly. Whilst arrangements for spectators and officials will most likely be the same as for any other sport, due to the full contact nature of rugby, the arrangements for players will need to be adjusted to reflect this. It is the responsibility of the club or organiser to ensure that procedures are in place so that effective action is taken is a player is injured or taken ill, whilst waiting for emergency services arrive. It is worth baring in mind, that there is variation in the level of care that would be deemed appropriate and this is dependent on the individual circumstances at the club or venue. It will also depend on what the club or organiser is realistically able to provide; for example, it is not reasonably practicable to expect a Level 11 club to provide the same level of care as that provided in the Premiership. In order to provide a safe environment in which rugby can be enjoyed by all, clubs should encourage members, coaches and volunteers to hold a current, appropriate and recognised first aid qualification so that so that they can respond to basic first aid situations with confidence. To find out more information ABOUT all aspects of first aid in rugby clubs, visit: England Rugby for helpful information for rugby administrators, club administrators, players, parents, volunteers, first-aiders and health care professionals involved in rugby, specifically those playing at level 3 and below, as well as in CB representative sides. Premiership and Championship clubs have their own set of minimum criteria in relation to medical matters. Clubs which have employees (including any paid players as they are ‘deployed’ or ‘employed’ by the club) may fall under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 (SI 1982 No 917). These require employers to provide suitable first-aid equipment, facilities and personnel to enable immediate assistance to be given to employees if they are injured or become ill at work. See the guidance offered on what first aid kits should ideally contain  and shop our full range of Rugby First Aid Kits that all meet this criteria.