Injury Guide
Trochanteric Bursitis Hip
What is Trochanteric Bursitis Hip? Trochanteric bursitis hip, is an overuse injury at the hip which is common in runners. Bursitis is a trochanteric (trochanteric refers to either of two knobs at the top of the femur, serving for the attachment of muscles between the thigh and pelvis.) hip bursRead More
Injury Guide
Hamstring Tendonitis
What is Hamstring Tendonitis? Hamstring tendonitis is an injury that occurs when the tendon becomes damaged or inflamed due to excessive strain or force being placed on the tendon. The Hamstring tendon is the soft tissue that connects the hamstring muscle to the outer aspect of the knee. CausesRead More
Injury Guide
Hamstring Strain
SUMMARY Causes Sudden large force or pressure to the hamstring Overuse injury common in running and jumping activities Excessive speed changing whilst running Insufficient warm up exercise Poor core strength Symptoms Sudden sharp pain or pulling sensation at back of the thigh at point ofRead More
Injury Guide
Groin Strain
SUMMARY Causes Sudden contraction of the groin muscles Inadequate warm-up Common in sports which require rapid acceleration and jumping Symptoms Sudden onset of pain in the groin and inner thigh Pain when resuming activity Swelling, weakness and tightness in the groin Treatment RICE mRead More
Health and Wellbeing
A Guide to Groin Strains
A groin strain is a muscular tear or rupture to any one of your groin muscles, usually one of the hip adductor muscle group. Any of these groin muscles can be strained but the most common is adductor longus. A groin strain usually occurs with a high-seed activity such as kicking, sprinting or a suddRead More
Injury Guide
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
What is Iliotibial Band Syndrome? The Iliotibial band (ITB) experiences friction as it passes over the femur bone, back and forth over the epicondyle (bony bit on the outside of the knee). When the knee bends at around 20-30 degrees the IT band experiences the greatest friction. This is about the raRead More
Health and Wellbeing
Hamstring Injuries
Some body parts are more prone to injury than others. The hamstring is unfortunately one of those, and likes to act up at every opportunity! Just like every type of injury to tissue in the body the more pressure it’s under, the more likely there will be damage. The hamstring muscles are located onRead More