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An introduction to runners' knee

When running you may hit the ground with between five and nine times your body weight on each stride, this unsurprisingly can cause pain in your knees. The pain will be present when you walk, kneel, squat and run. Runners’ knee otherwise know as patella-femoral pain syndrome occurs when then stress of running causes an irritation where the kneecap sits on the thigh bone. This injury can be caused by overuse, a direct trauma or a muscular imbalance. Knowing the cause of your injury can be useful to treating the injury.

Treatment During the initial stages of pain, it is important to rest the knee for a few days through the use of compression, elevation and the application of ice. Some runner will also take anti-inflammatory medication if the pain and swelling is severe. Some exercises can be done to help the knee for example the sue of a foam roller to release the ITB, Gluteal muscles, hip flexors and quads Additionally, hip flexor and gluteal strengthening exercises are recommended in a no-weight bearing position before progressing to standing exercises. After you return to running if withing the first 10 days you should consult a physiotherapist, orthopaedic specialist or a doctor for further guidance or treatment. Prevention Over half of injuries suffered while running are recurrences, so be sure to allow time for the pain to be treated, by resting and applying ice to the area. If this doesn’t stop the pain then continue to rest the injury and begin some light rehabilitation exercises, additionally using strapping and taping techniques can benefit the pain.