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Achilles Bursitis


  • Overuse injury
  • Sudden increase in activity levels
  • Pain in the heel especially during activity
  • Pain may spread to the toes
  • Swelling and redness over the back of the heels
  • RICE method
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Ultrasound treatment
  • Physiotherapy
  • Orthotic Insoles from a podietrist

What is Achilles Bursitis?

The bursa is a fluid filled sack located at the back of the heel bone which is used as a cushion and lubricant between the soft tissue and bone. Achilles bursitis occurs when the bursa becomes inflamed and swelling occurs due to over use and irritation to the ankle. This is often due to a surge in activity levels and typically comes from walking and running.

Achilles Bursitis Symptoms

When Achilles bursitis occurs, it is common for swelling and redness to appear over the back of the heel which can be warm to touch. This can often be painful and sore and can be accelerated when resuming activity, rising on the tip toes and touching the injured area.

Achilles Bursitis Diagnosis

A doctor will be able to diagnose Achilles bursitis by examining the area and location of pain by asking the patient to bend and flex the toes and examining the swelling and tenderness of the injury.

Achilles Bursitis Treatment

In order to treat Achilles bursitis, rest is important so to avoid any activity which may cause further pain or discomfort to the injury. Applying ice to the injury is also beneficial to reduce any inflammation and to offer some cooling pain relief. This can be done several times a day for effective healing. Anti-Inflammatory medications may be taken to relive the pain of the injury and also to minimize any swelling. Ultrasound treatment may also be carried out which can help to accelerate the healing process by reducing inflammation. Physiotherapy on the injury can also be undergone to improve the flexibility and strength of the ankle and prevent bursitis reoccurring in the future.