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Blog Guides Five Most Common Skiing Injuries

Five Most Common Skiing Injuries

With the clock going back, the temperatures dropping and Christmas around the corner thousands of people will be itching to grab their skis and head for the slopes. However, with skiing there are risks and a likelihood of injury.   So ahead of your trip this year be sure you know the five most common injuries sustained when skiing. All injuries can be treated and its important you know how to best treat any injury you may sustain while on the slopes.

  1. Knee Ligament injuries (ACL & MCL)

A very common injury in skiing is damage to the ligaments in the knee.

Landing jumps, collisions with other skiers, crossing ski’s, widening your stance or simply falling can result in the twisting or pulling of your knee ligament. The symptoms of this may be pain and swelling in the area as well as reduced mobility and instability in the joint. The damage sustained can vary and depending on the severity of the injury will result in your recovery time. Minor injuries can be treated with cold therapy and rest, whereas more serious injuries may can even require surgery and a long period of rehabilitation.

  1. Patello-Femoral Syndrome (PFS)

PFS can occur when too much strain is put on the kneecaps and is a common complaint due to the bent stance you adopt when skiing. This can cause pain either in front or under the kneecap and can be caused by poor pronation or a lack of strength and stability in the upper leg and hip. A period of rehabilitation should be allowed to let the injury heal and ahead of future skiing practice exercises that strengthen the area without straining should be carried out.

  1. Lower Back Pain

Another common injury caused by the bending stance adopted when skiing and will affect skiers with poor posture or muscle imbalance. The result will be a dull ache or stiffness in the back which can develop into a sharp pain in the lower back if not properly rested. A back support and plenty of rest are the advised way to treat this injury.

  1. Skiers Thumb

Skiers thumb will occur when the ligaments supporting the joint at the bottom of the thumb are strained or over strained. This is an incredibly common injury sustained when skiing as a result of the pressure put on the thumb from the poles and will result in pain when moving the thumb, swelling and laxity in the joint. Applying an ice pack to the injury and compressing it with a support bandage will aid the healing process. Using taping and strapping techniques or a thumb support on the thumb when skiing can also provide support and prevent further damage.

  1. Fractured Collar Bone (Clavicle)

This is a common injury which will usually happen as a result of a bad fall onto the arm or shoulder or potentially after colliding with another skier. Symptoms will be pain and swelling in the area and possibly an abnormality on the bone can be seen or felt. This can be a very serious injury and medical attention should be sought immediately and the arm must be kept immobilised straight away with a bandage or sling to keep movement to a minimum preventing further damage.