Misconceptions of suffering from a Slipped Disc
In our backs we have 23 spinal discs which separate the vertebrae and act as shock absorbers. These occasionally can place pressure on the spinal cord nerves leading to back pain, this is know as a slipped disc.
Back or neck pain is a serious injury for most, and it is understandable that
a slipped disc worries many people. However, those who suffer from a slipped sic may not know all they need about the injury.
So, here are three major misconceptions about suffering from a slipped disc.

- Discs actually slip
- Degeneration: when the gel moves from the centre to the edges of the disc.
- Protrusion: when the outer layer bulges, possibly pressing against nerves.
- Extrusion: when some gel leaks out, but most stays in the disc.
- Sequestration: when the majority of the gel spills out.
- Slipped discs require spinal surgery
- Slipped discs cause excruciating pain