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Blog Back Injuries Sciatica



  • Overuse injury
  • Twisting force or direct impact to the knee
  • Rapid direction changes
  • Tackling, collisions and falls (common in football and rugby)
  • Landing from a jump
  • Popping sensation and pain in the knee
  • Pain at the inner aspect of the knee
  • Swelling and inflammation
  • Inability to bear weight
  • RICE method
  • Anti-inflammatory Medication
  • Supports and Braces
  • Strengthening and Stretching exercises
  • Surgery

What is Sciatica?

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve found between the lower back and upper leg becomes irritated or compressed. The most common cause of sciatica is in patients with a herniated/slipped disc which can occur over time as a result of excessive sitting, bending and lifting activities. It is also possible for patients to suffer sciatic pain suddenly due to sudden impact.

Sciatica Symptoms

Patients who suffer sciatica are likely to suffer an intense surge of pain which runs deep within the lower back and spreads to the buttock and down the leg. Patients will feel a weakness in the leg and nerve symptoms such as pins and needles and numbness.

Sciatica Diagnosis

In order to diagnose sciatica a doctor or physiotherapist will give an examination of the area and often an X-ray or CT scan will be undergone in order to confirm the diagnosis and to rule out any further complications.

Sciatica Treatment

The treatment of sciatica will depend on the cause of the injury such as treating a slipped disc or spondylosis. To relieve the pain of sciatica, patients should minimise the amount they bend and lift as well as avoid sitting in low, soft chairs. Anti-Inflammatory medications may be taken to relive the pain associated with sciatica. Applying ice to the area can also offer cooling pain relief. Physiotherapy is often recommended for the symptoms of sciatica which will include undergoing back exercises and stretches to improve the condition and relieve pain from the area.