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What’s in a Firstaid4sport British Boxing Board of Control Corner Kit

The Firstaid4sport corner kit is the only fully endorsed and approved by the British Boxing Board of Control (BBBoC). The corner kit has been developed alongside leading cut-men and cornermen to give you a comprehensive kit containing everything you need to treat cuts and swelling quickly and effectively within the laws of boxing.  So, what exactly do you get in the fully endorsed and approved BBBoC Corner Kit? In total you get 16 different items and the large kit bag for just £55. Firstly, the large pro bag you get is simply to keep all your equipment in and will come branded with the BBBoC logo.

 Pro Wrap The kit comes with six rolls of our very own Pro Wrap. A boxing hand gauze made with 100% cotton and has a unique design that means it is unique because it has no elasticity in its length but does it in width. Find out more about the origin of our Pro Wrap used by Callum Smith, Anthony Crolla and Callum Johnson.

Cotton Tipped Applicators In your corner kit you’ll fins 20 cotton tipped applicators which are six inches long and have a 10mm tip. Non-

Woven Swabs You’ll find 30 10cm x 10cm non-woven swabs. The sterile cotton gauze swabs can be placed over wounds before taping, they can also be soaked in antiseptic liquid and used to cleanse wounds. Gauze swabs are a useful utility product in a kit can be used for padding, protection, blood spill, wound dressing, applying antiseptic and much, much more.

Towel The 4Sport Pro Corner Towel is a fine quality 100% cotton towel and is essential in any corner to wipe away sweat and blood as quickly and effectively as possible.

Ice Bag One ice bag is included in the kit and during a fight the application of the ice bag will instantly reduce pain and swelling of injured areas of the body. Being a bright orange makes the ice bag stand out in your corner kit.

Scissor Bandage and Clothing Shear You receive a pair of our very strong stainless-steel scissors which can cut through several layers of fabric. They will remove bandages in one cut. 

Jet Spray Bottle Our 500ml jet spray bottle is included in your kit and is made from durable plastic and benefits from having a screw on lid with a removable trigger spray, for easy refilling. The use of the bottle is recommended as the spray of cold water can reduce swelling ad ease pain, as well as being used to clean wounds.

Nitrile Gloves (Medium/Large) This kit also includes six pairs of our disposable nitrile powder free gloves which are ideal for people who have allergies to latex, silicone or natural rubber proteins. Our nitrile gloves are made from synthetic rubber making them soft and flexible, and three times more puncture resistant than Latex.

Yellow Self Seal Disposable Bags Any soiled waste such as gloves, swabs or wipes should be placed into a yellow bag for disposal to prevent any form of cross contamination because of this our kit includes six plain yellow polyethene plastic bags with a removable strip to reveal an adhesive strip for secure fastening.

Double Sided Low-Adherent Dressing The corner kits include four packs of our 10cm x 10cm double sided low-adherent dressing which either side can be placed over a wound before being taped.

Petroleum Jelly Used throughout the boxing world, petroleum jelly is applied to a fighter’s face before a fight as it lubricates the fighters skin making it more elastic and less likely to tear causing cuts. It can also be applied to open wounds to prevent them getting worse as the fight continues. Our corner kits include 226g tub of petroleum jelly.

EAB A roll of our 2.5cm x 4.5m white EAB is included in the kit. Our EAB is used to support joints and soft tissue strapping and immobilisation. Its strong adhesive helps it stay in place, even in the toughest environments.

Cotton Wool Included in a corner kit is a Reliance Absorbent Cotton Wool pad which can be used for several things such as padding for wounds or for gentle cleansing and applying antiseptic to wounds. Pen Torch A small but important item in boxing for the breaks in between rounds a disposable torch with pen clip for attaching to a pocket or clipboard. Useful for looking at a fighter’s eyes.

Eye Iron The Enswell Eye Iron is crucial in boxing when trying to reduce swelling from cuts and bruises. Kept in an ice bucket and best used when cold, the eye iron can help reduce swelling from cuts and bruises. This is done by applying direct pressure to the affected area. The cold causes the capillaries beneath the skin to constrict, reducing blood flow to the area.

Zinc Oxide Tape The final item included in your BBBoC corner kit is two rolls of our own 2.5cm x 10m training zinc oxide tape which is a non-stretchy tape used for immobilising joints. It is a good quality, strong 100% cotton, zinc oxide tape. It has a serrated edge for easy tearing, it comes off the roll smoothly.