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Blog Injury Guide Wrist Pain

Wrist Pain

Wrist pain is often experienced through discomfort in the wrist or upper hand area and is commonly caused by a number of injuries, including sprains and/or fractures. Carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis and repetitive motion can also lead to wrist pain. Although small, the human wrist is made up of eight bones, alongside, ligaments, tendons and tissue. All of these components within a relatively small structure means that the wrists can be easy to damage, which could cause not only pain but also limited use of the wrist and hand. A wide range of things can affect the wrist.

Wrist Pain Causes

1. Repetitive Injuries

One of the most common wrist pain causes is repetitive motion. Any motion that cause your hands to keep repeating the same, or similar movements, just simply fixing the joint in same position for a long period can negatively affect the wrist. Examples of activities that can cause irritation to the wrist joint include; driving for long periods, typing and writing, in extreme cases these activities can even cause stress fractures. This often results in chronic pain.

2. Impact Injuries

Physical injuries, such as falling and putting your arms out to save yourself, or your wrist colliding with another object will both ultimately cause pain for wrists. An impact can cause fractures or strain or a sprain. Even if the impact does not break a bone, it is possible to damage the nerves, and surrounding tissue.

3. Arthritis

Arthritis is a major wrist pain cause in many adults. There are two main types of arthritis that affect wrist, as well as other areas of the body. Osteoarthritis, this is caused by general wear and tear on your joints over time leading to the break down of the cartilage meaning that cushioning is lost and bones may rub together. Osteoarthritis is relatively uncommon in the wrist, however, it can occur, typically seen where previous wrist injuries have occurred. Rheumatoid arthritis is more common in the wrist. Generally you would expect it to affect both of the wrists simultaneously. In severe cases this condition, can also attack the body’s organs, so the advice of a medical professional will need to be sought.

4. Ganglion Cysts

Ganglion cysts, are a type of benign tumour that can form on the wrists, in most cases they are just a little unsightly, however depending on their position they can cause pain. If they press on a nerve, that can cause  wrist pain and sometimes a tingling, or pins and needles sensation. Removal of the cysts can alleviate this problem, but they may return.

5. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by a lack of room in the carpal tunnel, any swelling around it can compress the median nerve, causing the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Repeated activities requiring wrist movements can lead to inflamed tendons – these movements may be related to your job or hobby, such as typing or manufacturing work, also known as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).

How Do You Know If You Have Carpal Tunnel In Your Wrist?

A doctor will be able to tell you if you have carpal tunnel in your wrist. A simple way of finding out yourself is to press the backs of your hands together with your fingers pointing downwards for 1 to 2 minutes. If you start to feel a tingle or your fingers turn numb, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome. It is best not to self diagnose and to see a doctor if you think you may have carpal tunnel.

What Are The Symptoms Of Tendonitis In The Hand?

If you have tendonitis in your hand, you may start to feel a weakness in your fingers and a tingling that is commonly known as 'pins and needles'. You may also experience a tightness in your forearm or a pain in your wrist or hands. Numbness in your palms may also be a sign of tendonitis in the hand.

What Is The Best Treatment For Wrist Pain?

Some problems may go away with rest and time, however, often neglecting the source of the pain will only make things worse further down the line. When you are suffering from recurring or chronic wrist pain, you need to get an appointment with a doctor. You may want to speak with a hand surgeon who can provide you with a proper diagnosis and treatment. But if you are in need of wrist supports or wrist braces, Firstaid4sport provide a range of these products to help you care for your wrist.

How To Prevent Wrist Pain?

  • You can prevent the causes of wrist pain by building bone strength through the consumption of adequate amounts of calcium.
  • Preventing falls could also help stop injuries that can lead to wrist pain, so make sure you have plenty of grab bars around the home if you are prone to slips and trips.
  • Wearing protective gear whilst taking part in sports can also help prevent wrist injuries.
  • Be aware of the amount of time spent typing. Using keyboards for long periods of time could lead to wrist pain, so be sure that your wrist is properly supported.

See all wrist supports or wrist braces